
Whether you’re just exploring the Christian faith, looking to grow spiritually, or find a community where you belong, SIF has a number of ways for you to get involved. Join us for our weekly worship service (Sunday school available for children aged 3 and up, as well as childcare for those under 3), one of our ongoing Bible studies, a hike, or retreat. Below is a list of our current opportunities.

Wednesday Bible Study Fellowship
We currently have a Bible study on 1 Peter that meets each Wednesday from 19h00 (7PM). Join us at Die Khaya (upstairs in the Seminar Room). This is a great way to find community and learn to read and study Scripture. Contact Tyler at for more information.

In partnership with Stellenbosch University, we host a group that gives support to female international students/wives of international students, and helps them find a community to belong to here in Stellenbosch. SPICE meets at Die Khaya from 10h00 Tuesdays during the academic year. Contact Maggie Goosen (083 235 5920).

Reading and Understanding the Bible in Africa
A course based on the book, The Essential Guide to the Bible and Christianity, designed to help us understand and apply Scripture for ministry and life in Africa. Meets at Die Khaya (Seminar Room) from 16h30 to 17h40 on Sundays.

One-to-One Bible Reading
Interested in reading the Bible with someone over a coffee or tea? One-to-One Bible reading is an easy, informal way to build relationship, engage with the Bible, and learn about (or grow in) the Christian faith. Contact Tyler at for more information or if you’re interested in meeting together.

Devon Valley Aftercare Art and Football
We have a partnership with the aftercare program at Devon Valley Primary School (Froggies) to assist with art and to play football with the kids after school. Meets Fridays from 14h00 to 16h00 at the school.

We enjoy hosting game nights, hiking trips, beach walks, and attending local soccer and rugby matches. These are great way to get to know others and explore the area. Upcoming events can be found here.