Sermon Library
God the Father (Exodus 3)—Re-Recorded
God the Son (1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Luke 15:11-32)
God the Holy Spirit (Powerpoint Slides)
Mark 1:1-20: Introduction and Invitation
Mark 1:21-28: The Spiritual Reign of Christ
Mark 1:29-45: Healing in More Ways than One
Mark 2:1-17: A Meal with Sinners and a Revelation for Pharisees
Mark 2:18-22: Why Don’t Your Disciples Fast?
Mark 2:23-3:6: Jesus Restores the Sabbath (Rest)
Mark 3:20-35: The Unbound Christ
Mark 4:1-34: Seeing the Parables in a Kingdom Light (JB Krohn)
Mark 4:35-41: Jesus Brings Order to Chaos
Mark 5:1-20: The Liberating Spirit of Christ
Mark 5:21-43: Reforming the Way of Salvation-By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone
Mark 6:1-33: God of the Unlikely
Mark 6:32-44: The Shepherd Who Leads and Feeds His Sheep
Psalm 78/Mark 6: Of Sports and Spiritual Formation in the Story of Jesus
Mark 7: What Comes Out of the Heart
Mark 8:1-30: The Christ Who (Gradually) Heals Spiritual Blindness
Mark 10:13-16: Learning How to Receive the Kingdom from Little Children
Exodus 1: Forgetting, Remembering, and the Challenge to Faith
Exodus 2-3: A Calling and the One Who Calls
Exodus 6-12: The Lord and the gods of Egypt
Jesus, the Passover Lamb (Exodus 12 & John 12)
Exodus 15: The Triumph of God
Exodus 17: Quenching Our Thirsts at the Spiritual Rock
Exodus 19-20: God’s Gift at Sinai
Genesis 22 (George Arrey)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 32 Corinthians 1: The God of All Comfort (Rev. Jurie Goosen)
Luke 24: A Burning Heart (Attie Van Wijk)
The Lord of the “Rings”: Sports and the Biblical Story (Bruce Nadin)
On Leadership from Nehemiah (Rev. Attie van Wyk)
The Greatest Drama Ever Staged (Marnus Havenga)
New Life in Christ: Colossians 3 (Rev. Attie van Wyk)
What are the Five Solas? (Rev. Attie van Wyk)
Lessons from the Emmaus Road (Rev. Jurie Goosen)
The God Who Rescues from Lions (Daniel 6)
Reveal Yourself? (1 Kings 19:1-18)
An Overture of God's Sovereign Grace (Ephesians 1)
A Chapter of God-Given Identities Pt. 1 (Ephesians 2:1-10)
A Chapter of God-Given Identities Pt. 2 (Ephesians 2:11-22)
Ephesians 3: The Mystery of Christ's Church (JB Krohn)
A Life Worthy of the Calling (Ephesians 4:1-16 w/ JB Krohn)
Walking in the Way of Christ (Ephesians 4:17-5:20)
Christ Redeems Power and Renews Relationships (Ephesians 5:21-6:9)
Christ Empowers Our Perseverance Against the Spirits of the Age (Ephesians 6:10-24)
“Where Are You?” (Genesis 3)
“Where Is Your Brother?” (Genesis 4)
“What is in Your Hand? (Exodus 4)
“Who Do You Say I Am?” (Matthew 16—Jurie Goosen)
“Do You Want to Be Healed?” (John 5—Attie van Wyk)
“Why Are You Crying?” (John 20:11-18)