The History of SIF

The vision for Stellenbosch International Fellowship (SIF) came in the early 1990s during a study sabbatical, in which Rev. Jurie and Maggie Goosen traveled to the United States for Jurie to do further post-graduate work in intercultural studies and missiology at Wheaton Graduate School. Their experience—both being strangers in a new place and finding support from a welcoming Christian community (Wheaton Christian Reformed Church)—gave them insight into the lives of the many internationals that were beginning to come to Stellenbosch to study, work, and live.

Upon returning to South Africa, the Goosens began formal ministry among international students at Stellenbosch University in 2000. For a number of years, Jurie and Maggie opened their home, shared the gospel, led Bible studies, and met the physical needs of many students coming from across Africa and around the world. Out of these efforts, the ministry grew into an English-speaking congregation supported by the Stellenbosch Moederkerk and a core group of passionate South African volunteers. A few years later, Philipp Ragette joined the staff as a ministry assistant, coordinating outings, Bible studies, and helping lead worship.

In 2022, the ministry called Rev. Tyler Helfers—a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA)—to serve as the second pastor of SIF and in 2023, Rev. Jurie Goosen formally retired (though he is still quite active in reaching out to international students). Today, Stellenbosch International Fellowship continues to serve as a “home away from home” for international students and their families (as well as some locals too!). And with people from more than a dozen different nations, SIF continues to pursue its vision of being a “global spiritual family in Christ” that makes disciples of Jesus Christ obedient to God in all areas of life!